2024 was the joint-second hottest year of the century on Lanzarote

2024 was the joint-second hottest year of the century, according to data from AEMET, Spain’s state meteorological agency.

Last year, Lanzarote experienced an overall average temperature of 22.4 degrees Celsius: the same as the figure registered in 2010. In the 21st century only the year of 2023 has exceeded this temperature, with 22.7 degrees.

The high average temperature is mainly the result of a warmer winter than usual, with temperatures in January, February and March hovering around the twenties. Summer wasn’t particularly hot, at least compared to the scorching summer of 2023.

The average annual temperature on Lanzarote has exceeded 20 degrees six times this century, four of them in the last five years.

2024 was also the sixth-driest year of the century so far, with 56.4 mms of rainfall and 41 days on which rainfall was registered at the airport’s weather station. 

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