Lanzarote to show off its first Michelin Star at Madrid Fusión 2025

The Cabildo has announced that around 15 chefs and restaurant professionals will be flying to Madrid to show what Lanzarote has to offer at the upcoming Madrid Fusión fair.

Photo: Saborea Lanzarote.

This year’s edition of Madrid Fusión began today and will run until Wednesday. Over the three days chefs from Lanzarote will show off their skills, including the owner of the Kamezí restaurant in Playa Blanca which recently received the island’s first ever Michelin Star.

Cabildo President, Oswaldo Betancort, stated “Lanzarote is living a historic moment in the field of enogastronomy. The first Michelin Star, together with the consolidation of events such as Madrid Fusión, positions us as an international culinary reference, showing the world our rich landscape and culture through the flavours of the island.”.

“Our gastronomy would not be what it is without the excellence of our local products, which are the soul of Lanzarote’s cuisine. These products not only represent our identity, but also the efforts of farmers, winemakers and artisans who work every day to keep our essence alive.”.

“We show the world not only the quality of our products, but also our history, our culture and our commitment to sustainability”, Betancort added in closing.