Brits no longer largest foreign community on Lanzarote

Colombians have taken over from the British as the largest immigrant community on Lanzarote, according to recent census figures for 2024.

There are currently 7,121 Colombians resident on Lanzarote, an increase of more than 3,000 in just two years. Meanwhile, the British community stands at 6,254, having shrunk by a few hundred for the second year running.

The British population on the island reached its highest point in 2021, when 6,744 were registered. This high number was partly a result of Brexit, which made official registration necessary for many Brits who wished to remain as residents.

Since then, however, the British resident population had declined by a few hundred each year. 

4,317 Italians form the third-largest foreign-born community on the island, with fourth and fifth places taken by Moroccans (3,870 residents) and Germans (2,243).

Then come 1,470 Chinese residents and around a thousand each of Rumanians, Venezuelans and Irish.  The official population of Lanzarote is now 163,230, an increase of more than 4,000 since 2023. The population of the island has more than doubled since 1996.

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