Lanzarote Cabildo asks to add an extra floor to the buildings in Arrecife

The Cabildo has asked Arrecife Ayuntamiento to look into the possibility of permitting an extra floor to be added to buildings in the capital.

The Cabildo’s President, Oswaldo Betancort, met with Arrecife councillors to discuss the possibility of including the provision in the cities new planning document, allowing an extra floor to be added to buildings in zones such as Maneje, San Francisco Javier or Argana.

They claim that several citizens have asked about the possibility of doing this, in order to provide housing for family members. Other owners have gone ahead and done it anyway and will be seeking retrospective authorization.

“We think it’s a good idea to study this option,” said Betancort, “As long as it’s carried out with sufficient technical rigour and the properties are not rented out as holiday lets.”

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