No increase in water charges

Lanzarote’s Water Consortium has rejected a proposal to raise water rates.

At a general meeting yesterday, the Consortium, which is formed by representatives of the Cabildo and the various Ayuntamientos, voted against the proposal of Lanzarote’s water supplier, Canal Gestión, to raise water rates between 2019 and 2024.

The Consortium will also pursue Canal Gestión for €1.5 million that was paid by the last administration.

The vote will mean that the Consortium no longer has to pay €3 million to Canal Gestión. Cabildo president Oswaldo Betancort said that these “savings” could now be invested in improvements to the network. 

The decision follows a report by the Canarian Prices Commission, which recently considered Canal Gestión’s price rises inappropriate because of the high volumes of water losses in the mains system. The water supplier, on the other hand, has long claimed that rate rises are necessary to provide a decent service. 

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