Scooter injuries “almost every week” on Lanzarote

Injuries caused by scooter accidents are increasing, according to a doctor at the Dr José Molina Orosa Hospital.

Dr Luís Fernando Robledo, a traumatologist at Lanzarote’s general hospital, told La Voz de Lanzarote that the hospital sees “a serious case almost every week”, and that accidents are increasing.

Most admissions involve fractures to the lower legs, head injuries and hand and arm injuries, and young people are the main victims. In early September, a young man died at Mácher after being hit by a vehicle while riding a scooter.

Although scooter users must legally wear safety helmets, stay off pavements and not exceed 25 kph, it is common to see people ignoring the rules.

Robledo stated that, in his opinion, a special licence should be required for scooter users.