Suicide prevented in Tinajo

The Guardia Civil managed to prevent a person from taking their own life in Tinajo on last Saturday. Last week local officers from San Bartolomé received a warning from an acquaintance of the person concerned, who communicated that they had told them of their intentions to end their own life in an unspecified rocky area […]

Inter-island flights between Lanzarote and Tenerife increase

Inter-island flights between Lanzarote and Tenerife have grown this year, increasing by 9% in July and August compared to last year. According to data ISTAC so far this year 565,018 passengers have been registered (counting entries to each island) between Gran Canaria and Lanzarote. The number of passengers between Lanzarote and the capital island has […]

Roadworks start on the Avenida de las Canarias

Cabildo Vice President and Head of Public Works, Jacobo Medina, visited the start of the roadworks on the Avenida de las Canarias in Playa Blanca this week.  “We were aware of the need to undertake work on this important road, which is used by thousands of vehicles that enter and leave the port of Playa […]

Playa Mujeres rescue

Firefighters were called to rescue a person that had fallen on the rock near Playa Mujeres in Playa Blanca yesterday. Upon arrival, firefighters found the person and had to cross a stretch of rocks to reach them. After reaching them, they assessed that the person had suffered a sprained ankle in the fall. They placed […]

Four rubbish containers burned in Costa Teguise

Firefighters were called to four rubbish containers that had been set on fire in Costa Teguise yesterday. Yesterday firefighters were called to the Avenida de Las Palmeras near the Trébol apartments after reports of a rubbish container fire. Upon arrival, they found four organic waste containers on fire. All four were safely extinguished with no […]

Motorcyclist seriously injured

A motorcyclist was seriously injured after a fall on the LZ-30 yesterday. At approximately 6:30pm, the emergency services were called to an accident involving a motorcyclist on the LZ-30. Upon arrival, ambulance staff assessed that the driver had suffered serious injuries and later transferred them to the Dr Jose Molina Orosa hospital in Arrecife for […]

Mala dam gated off

Lanzarote’s Water Consortium has installed new railings and a gate at the disused dam in Mala, in order to improve safety at the site. For several years, citizens have been able to access the walkway above the dam, with its dangerous, rusty railings, and the galleries inside the dam itself. Now, the railings have been […]

Nine pateras arrive on Lanzarote in a day

Nine pateras (boats carrying irregular migrants) carrying over 400 people arrived on Lanzarote yesterday, one of them putting to shore at Playa de La Garita in Arrieta without having been intercepted or escorted by Maritime Rescue. The calm September conditions often mean an increase in arrivals, and this is the busiest day on Lanzarote for […]

Lanzarote Cabildo’s new public transport plan

Lanzarote’s Cabildo yesterday gave initial approval to a viability study that will govern public transport on the island. President Oswaldo Betancort said “We’re planning to spend €288 million over the next 15 years in order to radically change the island’s network of public transport.” “We want to move towards a service that is more efficient, […]